
Video Games Addiction – The Ultimate Guide

Doing the things we enjoy can be fun and entertaining. Making time for our favourite hobbies in our daily life can be good for our mental health, but only to a certain extent. When certain hobbies or habits take over our life, they can easily turn into an addiction. This is the case for video games – first, they are a source of entertainment, but can easily end up being a major source of addiction. When do video games start imposing risks on our lives and how can a potential addiction be curbed? This guide aims to provide comprehensive information about video games addiction, its root causes, signs and symptoms and potential treatment options.

What is Video Games Addiction?

Video games have captured the attention of teens and adults alike since the ‘70’s, when simple computer games slowly began to serve as an entertainment tool. Although their functionality was a lot less captivating compared to the multifaceted complexity of current video games, many people soon began to dedicate a lot of time to their computers. This was the first sign that video games have a high addiction potential due to their competitive and highly entertaining nature.

Today, experts argue that video games have a similar addiction risk to compulsive gambling. This is because the motivation of winning controls the behaviour of the person engaging in the game, leading them to become obsessed with fulfilling their goals. While many years ago the risk for video games was still reduced due to their limited availability, nowadays games are one of the most popular features on social networking sites. There is a wide variety of games to choose from that can be played on all devices, such as phones, tablets, and computers.

Moreover, video games have become more and more complex and entertaining, which makes many people more motivated to pursue this habit. They have interesting plots and intricate characters that users can engage with and create a life of their own. This is particularly appealing for introverted children who find it easier to engage with a virtual world instead of establishing social connections in real life.

Although experts are still debating whether gaming should be classed as an addiction, the World Health Organization added “gaming disorder” to the International Classification of Diseases in 2018. Furthermore, according to WebMd, video games addiction is considered a type of impulse control disorder due to its behavior-altering effects. However, addictive tendencies for video games are not yet listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association.

This means that, although official recognition of video games addiction is still debated, the signs that indicate potential addiction tendencies still exist. For example, engaging in compulsive behaviors related to video games at the expense of neglecting one’s real life indicates characteristics of an addiction. Similarly, the behavioral and emotional changes that are observed in people who spend a lot of time interacting with video games also point towards major risk for addictive tendencies.

The World Health Organization( WHO) further states that internet gaming disorder is also characterised by reduced control over gaming behaviors, and multiple negative consequences in various aspects of the individual’s life (such as social, professional, health and other areas of functioning).

From a biological perspective, several studies reveal that behavioral addictions, such as gaming disorder, share underlying brain activity changes with substance use disorders. More specifically, individuals who engage in video games on a frequent basis display higher levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine.

This brain chemical is released when someone engages in behaviors with a highly rewarding potential. For example, when someone wins a game against other users, their brain rewards them with a major release of dopamine, which is considered “the feel-good hormone”. As a result of this, the person is likely to seek the same reward in order to experience the same positive feelings.

Key Video Games Statistics

According to research conducted at Newport Academy, around 12 percent of boys and 7 percent of girls display symptoms of video games addiction. However, some recent facts are even more worrying:

  • A study published in the journal Addictive Behaviors found that 19 percent of males classified for an internet gaming disorder out of a population of 3,000 individuals, compared to 7.8 percent females. Sadly, these numbers are expected to increase in the upcoming years as the gaming industry will expand.
  • In the US only, spending for video games purposes grew by 30% in the second half of 2020 as a result of the restrictions associated with the most recent pandemic. The total amount associated with this was $11.8 billion.
  • On a global scale, the gaming industry is expected to expand and reach a revenue of $180 billion by the end of 2021, with an estimated 2.5 billion video game players worldwide. Some reports expect the revenue to increase to $300 billion by 2025.
  • The most vulnerable demographic category to develop compulsive gaming tendencies are males between 17 and 24 years.
  • Statistics and studies show that the time spent playing video games has increased from 26 minutes per day on average in 1999 to 1 hour and 13 minutes in 2009.
  • The most addictive video games are massively multiplayer online games (MMOs)  and role-playing games (RPGs). These have highly addictive properties due to the user’s possibility to interact with other players and to take on new characters with desirable traits. These types of video games are estimated to be played by around 22 percent of gamers who display compulsive playing tendencies.
  • A study published in the medical journal Paediatrics who involved over 3,000 children and teenagers found that the average time dedicated to video games was 20 hours per week.

What Causes Video Games Addiction?

Although the exact causes underlying video games addiction are not entirely understood, there are some potential explanations for this disorder.

Firstly, it can be easily concluded that video games are designed to be addictive. Their aim is to engage the player for as long as possible by providing them with new sources of motivation to remain in the game.

Video games producers accomplish this aim by making games challenging and entertaining enough so that gamers keep coming back over and over again for more stimulation. Many gamers are so motivated to win a game against other competitors that they are willing to spend hours to reach their goal. Oftentimes, success in a video game is hard to achieve, which is why compulsive gaming disorder is similar to gambling addiction.

Psychological Factors

As with any other addiction, there are no set determinants of video games addiction. Instead, we can talk about potential risk factors that increase someone’s chances of developing this type of disorder. As a result, the individual can become more vulnerable to using video games as a coping mechanism for other forms of psychological distress.

Low Self-Esteem

People who naturally have a lower self-esteem are more likely to turn to video games than seek social companionship in real life. For example, teenagers who are shy or lack social skills might find it easier to create a virtual identity within the virtual world and interact with others gamers online.

Therefore, low self-confidence can increase the risk of developing video games addiction by determining the user to spend more time by themselves and avoid social opportunities.

Underlying Mental Health Conditions

Some people can also use gaming as a means to cope with the distress caused by mental health conditions. For example, suffering from depression can result in lower control over one’s behavior and decrease motivation to engage in other activities. As a result, depressed individuals use online games to experience a temporary boost in their brain chemistry and to feel a false sense of fulfillment.

Similarly, those suffering from anxiety might also find temporary relief from engaging with video games. Being immersed in a video game can temporarily help individuals switch off their anxious brain, thus remaining focused in the present moment and pushing other worries away. As in the case of depressed individuals, gaming does not solve the underlying causes of anxiety – it only masks the symptoms and provides temporary relief.


Unfortunately, more and more people are socially isolated due to the restrictions imposed globally. They spend more time indoors, and thus look for activities through which they can engage with other people and find a sense of meaning. Video games offer the opportunity for enjoyment and stimulation and can help people feel more connected to others.

Loneliness is also a major factor for children and teenagers who lack meaningful friendships or family bonds. Those who are neglected by their parents are especially at risk to seek companionship and refuge in the world created through video games.


Statistics show that more men are affected by video games addiction than women – however, this does not mean that women do not have the risk of developing this condition. Some studies also argue that aggression is also associated with a higher tendency to resort to gaming, which is a trait that is more prevalent in men.

Stages of Video Games Addiction

Once again, it is worth mentioning that there is no universal recipe for how someone develops a gaming disorder. Each individual is unique and might go through different stages of addiction compared to other people. The stages below are a general guide that provides some details on how this condition manifests. Some stages might present themselves as follows:

  • First exposure: This is when the individual discovers the world of gaming for the first time and develops excitement and fascination with it. They might find a particular game very stimulating or interesting, which makes them return to it later on.
  • Gaining a deeper interest. Once someone finds out that video games are a highly entertaining and enjoyable hobby, they want to expand their knowledge on various types of games and learn more about various gaming strategies. This is also the stage when their brain begins to release chemicals that make the individual feel motivated and highly stimulated.
  • Developing an obsession with gaming. At this stage, video games can begin to take a central role in someone’s life. Some individuals might already start neglecting their responsibilities and life commitments to make time for their new gaming addiction. As video games begin to control one’s decisions for how they spend their time, many people can see a decline in the quality of their relationships, performance at work or other responsibilities.
  • Full-blown addiction. When someone reaches this stage, they begin to notice the costs of their video games addiction. They might start to lose out on sleep, increase their spending on games, or sabotage important relationships. Gaming becomes their sole interest and everything else is planned out according to the time spent playing. Some individuals might not recognise their problem even when they reach this stage due to their inability to recognize the magnitude of the compulsion.

How Can Video Games Addiction Be Recognised?

Due to the solitary nature of gaming, noticing that someone has this type of addiction can often be difficult to detect. As individuals retreat from their social circles and relationships to spend more time on gaming, they manage to conceal their symptoms and therefore keep their struggles invisible.

Nevertheless, some signs and symptoms that indicate a potential video games problem in someone are:

  • Enhanced preoccupation with gaming activity – This can manifest in excessive talking and thinking about video games. Individuals who game compulsively can find that they have little opportunities to seek other interests as games take up all their time and attention.
  • Isolation – As video games addiction advances, people who suffer from it begin to neglect social commitments, friends and families to spend more time playing games by themselves.
  • Irritability – When gamers are deprived of opportunity to play, they might experience increased anxiety and irritability. As a result of this, they can feel restful or have a bad mood due to not being able to engage with games.
  • Fatigue and tiredness – Prolonged exposure to screens can put great strains on the eyes, which can lead to mental fatigue. This can also be exacerbated by significant cognitive efforts dedicated to performing well in a game or winning against other virtual players.
  • Decline in personal hygiene – The increased preoccupation with video games can lead some people to neglect their personal care routine. Combined with isolation and a reduced need to take care of one’s physical appearance, this can make individuals skip key habits such as showering or grooming.
  • Restlessness – Video games require ongoing attention and focus due to their mentally stimulating nature. When someone is used to a wide variety of stimuli from games, they can find it difficult to sit still or not engage in a cognitive activity. They can appear fidgety and unable to participate in a seemingly unchallenging task for longer than a few minutes.

Gaming and Its Effects on the Brain

Every type of addiction changes the brain chemistry. Video games dependency is not different in this regard.

Since gaming offers a temporary sense of achievement and success, it causes the brain to release a significant amount of the neurotransmitter called dopamine.

This brain chemical is associated with motivation and reward and is produced in large quantities when someone is exposed to a highly addictive stimulus. Once this happens, a vicious cycle gets triggered: first, the dopamine receptors are overstimulated, which drives the impulse to repeat the same rewarding behavior over and over again.

When people engage in playing video games, they seek, in fact, the same rewarding feeling that comes from a massive dopamine release. They want to feel challenged, stimulated, and ultimately to achieve success in the game.

Unfortunately, the repeated exposure to the same source of addiction determines the brain to release less dopamine. This is because continuous exposure makes people less sensitive to something with a highly addictive potential. Experts in the area called this tolerance – which means that the person has become so accustomed to playing video games that they need more stimulating games and more time spent playing to achieve the same rewarding feeling.

Once tolerance is developed, disengagement from video games will result in withdrawal symptoms. These can be experienced as irritability, depression, mood swings and a strong compulsion to go back to the previous gaming behaviors.

Mental Health Consequences

Besides the negative effects that uncontrolled gaming behaviors can have on our brain chemistry, they can also have severe implications for mental health in general.

One study indicated that teenagers engaging with violent video games for longer than 2 hours a day have an increased risk of developing depression symptoms. Excessive exposure to aggression, violence and negative emotions can alter the player’s mood and make them focus on the negative aspects of their lives.

Furthermore, other research findings also indicate that spending too much time playing video games can result in an overall poorer psychological functioning. This includes coping strategies, emotions, self-esteem, preference for solitude and academic performance. In this study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, participants revealed that gaming can lead to problematic symptoms and can worsen overall mental health.

Are There Any Positive Aspects?

Despite the negative aforementioned consequences of playing video games, we should not deny that games are ultimately fun and have a series of positive aspects. Besides, they can provide cognitive stimulation that can increase one’s ability to solve problems and think strategically. Therefore, can there be any benefits to video games when they are used in moderation?

Research studies claim there are! A study conducted at Oxford University concluded that engaging with other gamers in the virtual world can boost the sense of social connectedness and increase wellbeing. Working with other people, even if only in the virtual world, for a common goal can ease the feeling of loneliness.

Studies also discuss the potential benefits of gaming in terms of cognitive skills. There is some evidence that video games can actually improve attention and spatial reasoning, although the findings on these aspects are still mixed. The most important aspect when it comes to gaming is moderation – therefore, the benefits are only experienced in gamers who play for a limited and controlled amount of time.

Gaming as a Hobby Versus Gaming as an Addiction

As stated in the paragraph above, not all video games can be detrimental for mental health. When used as an occasional hobby, gaming can be an opportunity to relax, bond with other people and do something entertaining.

It is only when this habit gets out of control that it becomes problematic. As such, it is essential to distinguish between playing video games out of your own initiative versus playing as a result of an impulse control disorder.

Therefore, the first sign that gaming begins to have an addictive potential is when it manifests as an urge.

When approached as a casual hobby, video games are just another relaxing activity. When developed into a full-blown addiction, they become the center of one’s existence, leading the person to neglect other aspects of their existence in order to play.

Understanding the core differences can make many people aware of the addictive potential of gaming and increase their awareness of its potential dangers. In turn, individuals can prevent developing a potential video games addiction by only resorting to this type of activity when they feel in full control of their behavior.

Risks and Concerns Associated with Physical Health

Compulsive video gaming does not only impact mental health. There are some risks associated with physical health as well, which can be felt on the longer term. Some of them are:

  • Having a sedentary lifestyle – Spending a significant amount of time in front of a computer can lead to high levels of physical inactivity. Multiple public health concerns have been associated with this issue, such as weight gain, diabetes, and poor posture.
  • Avoidance of social opportunities and isolation – By spending too much time video gaming, many people, especially young teenagers, can miss out on important opportunities for self-development and self-knowledge.
  • Seizures and stress injuries. A study published in the British Medical Journal outlined that gamers who have neurological conditions like epilepsy have an increased risk of experiencing seizures. This is due to the flickering lights, graphics and colors of video games which can easily trigger seizure disorders. Evidence also exists for how increased time spent playing video games can lead to stress injuries of wrists and hands.
  • Attention and concentration problems. The fast paced movements in video games and the multitude of colors and visual stimulation can fatigue cognitive abilities, leading to attention problems. Gaming requires a lot of mental effort, which, when sustained for a longer period of time, can lead to tiredness and problems with attention and concentration.

Short Term Implications of Gaming Addiction

Unlike other forms of addiction, the short-term effects of gaming are not so obvious. On the contrary, they can be even negligible which is why some individuals do not see a cause of concern in gaming. This is because the serious risks only appear in the long term, when individuals begin to become unaware of how gaming can impact their life and health.

It can be said that one major short-term implication is the financial costs associated with purchasing games or online memberships to gaming platforms. Since a lot of games come with additional features and costs, losing track of one’s spending can quickly have a real impact on someone’s financial situation.

Although it is very unlikely for health disorders to develop as a result of short-term gaming, many individuals might neglect their sleep, nutrition and hydration due to being caught up in front of their screens.

Long Term Effects of Video Games Addiction

Once gaming becomes a compulsive and uncontrollable behaviour, it can impose a series of destructive risks in various ways.

A major long-term consequence is withdrawal from social life and neglect of familial and social commitments. Many people can end up creating a virtual world of their own which provides refuge and entertainment. As a result, they might feel that real life social connections are not necessary.

However, this can lead to isolation which in time fuels mental health issues like depression.

Neglect of commitments and obligations can also result in job loss or expulsion from academic institutions. In turn, this creates a ripple effect on the professional and financial aspects of someone’s life and thus reduces overall prospects and opportunities for advancement.

Psychologically, isolation can make it difficult to reconnect with other people or initiate conversations, which can lead to a vicious cycle of self-isolation and profound loneliness. Neglect of personal hygiene can lower self worth and body image, which again has a negative impact on social life and interpersonal relationships.

Compulsive gaming can also lead to a sense of purposelessness and meaninglessness, as individuals can feel like they cannot find any meaning in their life outside of gaming. This can fuel suicidal ideation and maintain chronic depression.

Long-term risks associated with physical health can be discussed in terms of lack of physical inactivity and poor diet. These factors can increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Similarly, poor sleep and the lack of life balance can worsen mental health and increase the risk for neurological damage and psychosis. As mentioned earlier, prolonged gaming can also lead to injuries of wrists and hands as a result of repetitive motions.

How Can Gaming Addiction be Prevented?

As mentioned earlier, gaming can be a fun temporary hobby. In cases where total abstinence as a way of avoiding addiction is difficult, individuals can put effective measures in place to prevent turning gaming into a compulsive habit that takes over their life, such as:

  • Set firm limits on the time spent playing (for example, decide not to play for longer than one hour per day)
  • Avoid gaming for two consecutive days to prevent the formation of a habit;
  • Try to avoid playing games late at night, when the willpower and control over one’s actions are reduced;
  • Limit the number of video games on your phone, which is the easiest device to carry around and facilitates the best access to games in all locations;
  • Be receptive to any comments or remarks that someone around you might make about your gaming behavior, as they might give you an insight into aspects you are not fully aware of;
  • If you notice that gaming starts affecting your relationships, job, academic performance or any other aspects of your life, try cutting down on it or removing it entirely from your life for a while.

Treatments Available for Gaming Addiction

Compared to other forms of addiction, gaming might not seem such a serious concern. For this reason, many individuals for whom gaming becomes an issue can delay seeking help. However, the friends and families of those affected by this habit can testify the harmful psychological and physical implication of compulsive gaming. This is why it is crucial to look out for addiction symptoms in your loved ones whom you suspect might be affected by this risk.

While treatments for video games addiction are quite recent (due to the lack of diagnostic clarity), people affected by this disorder can benefit from various treatment approaches.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – is a modern psychotherapy approach which has been proven by research to have multiple benefits for various forms of addiction. A recent study validated the efficacy of a CBT-based approach for internet gaming disorders. This method aims to implement behavioral change by working with the client’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors to promote positive change. Individuals who struggle with compulsive gaming tendencies can find that they are able to reduce the amount of time they spend playing by changing the way they think about video games.
  • Group therapy – this can be a valuable resource of motivation and support, especially for individuals who feel that recovering from this habit is difficult in isolation. People who engage in this form of treatment can find that they are not the only ones struggling with these issues, which can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. They can also feel more accountable for their gaming behaviors or can draw inspiration from success stories presented in the support group.
  • Counseling – Individuals whose life has been affected by compulsive internet gaming can work with a counselor to address the implications of their disorder. They can discuss marriage and work problems, mental health issues or other personal aspects. Counsellors help individuals better organise their lives and create a more stable environment in which they can recover from gaming addiction.
  • Self-help approaches. For those who are mildly affected by gaming addiction or are in the early stages of it, self-help methods can also be a great solution. This means educating themselves about the implications of their habits, establishing a better life balance and implementing healthier behaviors. They can also set firm boundaries for the amount of time spent playing or working with their loved ones to reduce the frequency of their gaming behaviors.
  • Motivational interviewing – a counselling approach found in many clinical practices, this method aims to promote behavioral change by helping clients explore the root causes of their problems. In gaming addictions, motivational interviewing can look at the reason that leads clients to gaming, as well as to their strengths and weaknesses that may play a key role in their recovery journey.
  • Psychiatric treatment & medications. It is not uncommon for video games addiction to occur in conjunction with other mental health diseases. For example, many individuals affected by this compulsive habit also experience depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, psychosis, or other symptoms. In their case, psychiatric help would contribute positively to the reduction of their symptoms and would help them reduce their gaming behaviors.

Helpful Telephone Numbers

If you or someone close to you is affected by video games addiction, it is important to know that there are some resources you can access.

If you live in the UK, the Priory Group currently offers treatment options for gaming addiction. You can contact them by phone for any inquiries at 0808 271 9845.

They offer multiple approaches that can choose from, such as behavioral focused abstinence, self-help groups, a 12-steps rehabilitation programme, or a 28-days addiction treatment programme.

Similarly, you can also get in touch with UK rehab who currently offer a wide variety of options for gaming recovery. Many of their treatment approaches are psychotherapy based, such as CBT, experiential and group therapy, or psychodynamic therapy. You can contact them for immediate confidential help and advice at 02038.115.619.

For those seeking support for gaming addiction in the use, the American Addiction Centres can be contacted at 888.986.0783

Another option to contact is Foothills Red Oak recovery, which can be reached at 866.305.9078

Books about Video Games Addiction

If you are looking for self-help approaches to video games addiction, you can find that books can offer valuable information in the recovery process. These books below can help you learn about habit formation and how addiction happen in our brains:

  • Hooked – How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal. The book explains how apps and games hook people into compulsive behaviors and how they end up controlling our lives. It is full of insightful scientific research that can help you break away from addictive tendencies.
  • The Power of Habit by Charlie Duhigg – Gaming addiction is a habit, which is why addressing your daily routines is a great place to start in yoru gaming addiction recovery journey. This book helps you understand and replace your negative habits so that you can gain freedom over your actions and life.
  • Game Addiction – The experience and the Effects by Neil Clark. This book offers an insightful account of the effects of the virtual world on the lives of young people and points out to the problems of excessive gaming.

Conclusion and Summary

Thanks to the increased availability of video games, more and more people are beginning to develop a habit of virtual gaming. Although this is a cost-effective relaxation technique, when used excessively, it can turn into a highly addictive habit.

This article aimed to point out the potential dangers and risks associated with video games addiction. It has discussed these aspects from the perspective of mental, emotional, and physical health.

Also, this guide provided some valuable information into the stages of gaming addiction formation and how these can be spotted in a loved one.

Finally, some treatment options and providers were also discussed for anyone who needs advice on whom they can contact regarding this issue.

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