
Porn Blocking Software – A Detailed Guide on the Benefits & Drawbacks

Porn blocking software is a type of blocker that does just that; it blocks porn-related websites.

Using it is as simple as installing a program or app on your computer and mobile devices to curb access to online pornography.

Many businesses include porn blocking software in their internet filters to prevent staff from wasting time online. It also works well on individual and family computers and mobile devices, particularly those used by minors.

The software allows you to block categories, domains, messaging and even on-page content such as games and videos. This makes it a potent tool to avoid watching porn, especially if it impacts productivity, you want to protect your family, or you’re trying to break porn addiction.

But unfortunately, porn blocking software isn’t a magic pill and has its limits.

If you’re reading this, you’re likely concerned and want to know if a porn blocker will help. This article explores how it works, why it isn’t an ultimate solution, and how you can use it as an everyday tool or to recover from porn addiction.

Why do I need porn blocking software?

Not everyone needs porn blocking software. It’s only necessary if watching porn is a problem for you or someone in your home.

Another reason is to install porn blocking software as a precaution when other people have access to your computer. For example, if you share it with roommates, family and even work colleagues.

Adult websites are well known for spreading dangerous malware that can infect, disable and even damage your computer. Porn blocking software will stop anyone from opening risky sites.

Where porn is an issue within the home or for yourself, installing porn filters can help reduce the risk of temptation.

It’s important to note that while you can protect your own computer and mobile devices, you can’t block those of another adult without their consent. That would be a violation of their rights.

Companies get around this by writing separate policies around viewing online porn into their policies and procedures. When we’re hired and have access to company hardware and software and are on company time, we agree to these rules by signing the employment contract.

It’s a different story, however, when we act in our private capacity. We can’t secretly install porn blocking software on another adult’s property just because we don’t like them watching porn. Even if it’s our partner, spouse, grown-up child or roommate!

Many parents of young adults may find it unbelievable and distasteful that their child watches online porn. But if they’re over the age of 18, you can’t stop them.

Because porn is socially unacceptable, it has a stigma, so most people hide their activities. It doesn’t mean, though, that they have a problem.

The reality is that there’s nothing wrong with watching online porn unless it becomes a problem. What you see as a porn issue might be perfectly normal and healthy behavior.

But before we dive into porn blocking software, let’s understand when porn becomes a problem.

Porn addiction

Watching online porn can be considered to be a problem when it has a significant negative impact on someone’s life and the lives of those around them.

Continually watching porn can develop into an addiction.

Porn addiction happens when the brain adapts to become reliant on external stimuli to experience a rush of the feel-good chemical dopamine. While dopamine is commonly associated with alcohol and drugs, it can also be triggered by behaviors.

Most behavioral addictions involve risk, pleasure or control or a combo of all three.

Addiction to porn can be defined as intense, repetitive and persistent urges to watch pornography, to the extent that it impacts normal daily functioning. Masturbation virtually always comes with porn addiction as well.

The brain drives the compulsive behavior because it’s become addicted to dopamine surges caused by the stimulation and pleasure from watching pornography.

Addicts cannot stop their behavior even though they may want to, but changes in the brain drive their thinking and perceptions.

That’s what sets someone who enjoys watching porn occasionally apart from someone who’s addicted. The occasional viewer watches when they want to; the addict might no longer want to but can’t stop.

How porn blocking software works

Most computers and mobile devices come with built-in filters that can be activated to block porn, but they tend to be simple, so adding extra protection is advisable.

Whether paid or free, there are plenty of apps available and new ones being developed all the time. At much the same pace, adult and porn websites release code and updates to get around porn filters quickly.

It’s imperative that you do upfront research to ensure you get what you want and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

These programs are developed to help users control what they watch. Excluding pornography encourages more positive habits and better use of technology and screen time.

Most porn blocking software is based on a basic tracking system, and some give weekly activity reports. A few are capable of censoring specific domains and content as well.

Weekly reports, where available, are sent to an elected email address, which should be the user if it’s not a minor. However, whoever downloads the software can enter their email address.

These reports are an excellent tool for breaking a porn addiction and working with an accountability partner, like a therapist or sponsor. You enter your details and theirs, and if you try to access a porn site, they’ll be notified.

Of course, you’ll be blocked from entering the site, but having your accountability partner know allows them to contact you and help you avoid relapse.

Anyone who acknowledges that their online porn use is unhealthy will find it both comforting and empowering to know that porn blocking software is there to back them up in moments of weakness.

Further, knowing that there’s an accountability system in place has a positive psychological effect. It offers the reassurance that you’re not on your own, and a backslide is preventable.

You might want to include screen time tracking and management software as well. Screen time tracking measures the amount of time spent on a device with a screen such as a computer or a smartphone. It comes with some porn blocking software, but not all.

Porn statistics

Statistics on online porn are reasonably reliable and give insight into just how popular it’s become. Anything online is easy to do in secret, so families often don’t realize a problem is brewing and only become aware once it causes difficulties.

Professionals treating porn disorders agree that the problem is rising, and patients are getting younger due to the abundant availability of online porn.

Here are some statistics on the use of pornography in the USA –

  • 40 million Americans visit porn sites regularly
  • 70% of men aged 18 to 24 visit porn sites at least once a month
  • Men aged 35 to 49 make up the largest audience on online porn
  • 28,250 people are watching porn online every second
  • 20% of men and 13% of women admit to watching online porn at work
  • One-third of porn viewers are women
  • 37 new porn videos are released daily
  • 25% of search engines requests are related to pornography
  • 116,000 daily searches are related to child porn
  • 35% of all internet downloads are porn-related
  • 34% of internet users have had uninvited exposure to pornographic content
  • Less than 10% of Americans are sex addicts
  • 90% of children under the age of 18 have access to the internet
  • The average age of first exposure to porn is 11 years old
  • 93.2% of boys had watched port before they turned 18
  • 62.1% of girls had watched port before they turned 18

When porn blocking software works

Pornography filters are excellent for blocking curiosity, boredom, and random thrill-seeking, which leads to searching for online porn. These are traits commonly found in children and adolescents.

Where you’re concerned about what your children may be exposed to, installing porn blocking software offers peace of mind. Specifically, if you opt for an app that sends regular reports on browsing history.

Porn filters won’t prevent your children from viewing porn, though, whether on their devices or someone else’s. All children have a natural curiosity about sex, which is not only expected but healthy too.

It’s part of self-discovery and later, self-expression. A child who knows about sex will be open to learning the dangers before anything terrible happens. Discussing sex with your child, including online porn, will encourage them to confide in you when they see inappropriate things.

Conversely, installing a porn blocker to catch children out could have the opposite effect. Creating an environment of shame and fear around sex and porn can lead to an increased curiosity and lying to keep things from you.

Lack of accurate information about their bodies and sex leads children to find out from others, often leaving them in a vulnerable position. Also, if anything happens that makes them feel uncomfortable, it’s unlikely they’ll turn to you because they’ll be ashamed and afraid.

Furthermore, children inclined to thrill-seeking and risk-taking may become more interested in online porn merely for the risk of defying their parents. Unfortunately, the more they seek it out, the more graphic and inappropriate the content they’re likely to find.

Another great opportunity offered by porn blocking software is for adults in treatment for porn addiction or anyone who recognizes their online porn viewing is becoming a problem.

On their own, though, porn filters don’t cure porn addiction.

Dedication to recovery and stopping the habit makes the software an ally in achieving success and giving up porn. It works even better where an accountability partner is included.

When porn blocking software doesn’t work

All software needs to be updated regularly and checked frequently to ensure it’s working as it should.

Installing a porn blocker to stop your children from viewing online pornography and then sitting back and thinking, all’s well, isn’t enough. Very soon, all won’t be well if the app becomes outdated or if your children learn how to bypass it.

A Google search yields pages of results on bypassing or disabling porn blockers, so any tech-savvy kid can quickly figure out a way. Or they can watch porn on a friend’s device.

For adults, even if they can’t disable the porn filters installed on their computer or mobile device, nothing is stopping them from getting another one. Sadly, that happens even when someone has an accountability partner. If porn has become an addiction, self-deception is a significant symptom of the disease.

At the end of the day, porn blocking software is a handy tool with flaws that can be exploited if you’re determined enough to find them.

No software can take the place of proper and caring parenting that’s vigilant and informed. Nor can it replace the genuine desire and intention needed to break an online porn habit.

The main reason why it doesn’t work

The prime reason porn blocking software fails is that it has absolutely no influence over the human mind.

It’s an inanimate tool devised to help people solve a potential problem. So, if the user doesn’t want it to stop them from viewing pornography, they’ll find a way around it. Even if it involves buying new equipment.

That means no porn filter is fail-safe.

When you want to install porn filters successfully, it’s crucial that you look at the big-picture situation and not only the limited aspect of your own immediate needs.

Whether for yourself, your children or someone you’re supporting in recovery, porn blocking software must be only one of many tools implemented to curtail the problem.

Watching online porn becomes a habit. Users fall back on it when they’ve got time on their hands, they have tasks they don’t want to do, or when there are issues they don’t want to face. It’s distracting and fulfilling.

Therefore, before you install porn blockers, figure out what you’ll do to keep busy or how you can get your children to spend their downtime in more positive ways.

Continually watching porn online takes time, so if it’s blocked, how will that time be filled? What will make you or someone else want to be productive? Or what are the underlying issues that aren’t being addressed?

That’s where so many people go wrong. They install porn blockers but don’t plan upfront what will happen when there’s nothing else to do in the hours previously filled by online pornography.

As boredom sets in and urges get stronger, the human mind kicks in and finds ways to quell the cravings and impulses.

Sadly there’s no quick fix to breaking any habit, whether it’s online porn, smoking or overeating. You must have an action plan to address behaviors and time previously spent maintaining the habit.

Only include porn blocking software as one of the many tools in your action plan, not as the solution to your problem.

How to get it right

Whether for yourself, your children or someone you’re helping, you must know precisely why you’re installing porn blockers, what you expect from them and how you’re going to use them.

Since human behavior is the other half of the whole when it comes to porn blocking software, the solution will never be the same for everyone.

But the approach is similar, irrespective of who you want to help.

Take these pointers into consideration when drawing up your plan of action –

Why is viewing online porn a problem?

There are many reasons, but “the why” is crucial to recognize. Possibly to protect your children, or because it’s blocking focus and eating into your productive time. Or maybe it’s becoming a habit, your spouse is unhappy about it, or you’re worried you might be addicted.

Once you understand “the why”, you can select the type of porn blocking software that best suits your needs.

It’s also important to realize that once anything becomes excessive, triggers drive the behavior.

Take time to delve into what triggers the need for online porn? The problem could be psychological, fear, lack of motivation or simply that there’s not enough pressure to get things done.

Another reason could be too much idle time, or in the case of children, they lack healthy activities, better opportunities and external stimuli.

How much time is spent online watching porn?

This is vital to know because once the porn blockers start working, this time will be empty, whether there are other things to fill it or not.

We very easily fall into habits, good and bad. If you’ve fallen into the habit of watching porn instead of taking care of your responsibilities, the inner drive won’t change just because porn isn’t available.

You need to understand why you (or someone else) doesn’t want to do what you should be doing.

Whatever the reason, if you don’t know why so much time is taken up by online porn, you won’t know how to fill that time when porn isn’t there anymore.

How can vacant time be filled?

Make sure that if you’re dealing with someone else, including children, you consider how they’d like to spend their new spare time. The same goes for yourself – trying to fill time with something tedious or overtly challenging will fuel the desire to watch online porn.

When free time isn’t filled with interesting and enjoyable stuff, one bad habit will just replace another. Focus on positive traits and abilities rather than on negatives, including the fact that online porn has become an issue.

Obviously, one of the main aims is to spend less time online. Nevertheless, there are plenty of positive apps and healthy games you can download for down-days or when urges creep in.

Distraction works wonderfully when it comes to breaking bad habits.

Benefits and drawbacks

Probably the main benefit of porn filters is the admission that a problem potentially or already exists.

Whilst a lot of angst may have led up to the decision, it’s the first step in the right direction. Admitting a problem removes suspicion, fear and shame that holds us back from taking positive action.

There are plenty of benefits to porn blocking software, including:

  • A sense of relief knowing that the filters are in place
  • Improved trust between family members and of yourself
  • Less fear, shame and suspicion leads to more open communication
  • Improved trust and communication leads to fewer arguments and less tension
  • Your hardware and software are protected from malware attack
  • Less time online means more quality free time
  • Quality free time leads to healthier offline interests and pastimes
  • Improved productivity and better results
  • Better results lead to increased self-confidence
  • Increased self-confidence leads to self-development
  • It can help prevent relapse for porn addicts

There are drawbacks as well, including:

  • Not all software is equal; do upfront research
  • No porn filters are 100% effective, and some content could slip through
  • Porn blockers only protect the computer or device they’re installed on
  • Since they’re tech-based, tech-savvy minds can usually work around them
  • Their long-term impact is only as good as the users they’re protecting
  • They don’t replace good parenting, open communication or the desire to quit

To tell or not?

Website blockers are so commonplace that we don’t think twice about them. We use them to be more productive, waste less downtime online, and block stuff we don’t like.

Should we then tell our family we’ve installed porn blockers?

Yes, mostly we should, and in some instances, we’re obliged to.

When it comes to anything sex or porn-related, people get touchy and not without reason.

Sexuality is a vital part of our human experience and ensures the survival of our species. It’s therefore natural that it features prominently.

Regrettably, cultural and religious beliefs have stigmatized sex and applied a myriad of rules to how we should view it and behave around it.

Biases and personal beliefs can see people, including small children, being shamed in front of others for natural behavior.

Disappointingly, most of us grow up with a sense of fear and shame around our sexuality.

However, that hasn’t stopped the sex industry from growing in leaps and bounds, and above all, online. The result is that more people than ever before have access to pornography that they can view in their own time and in private.

Whilst it still remains taboo, society’s prejudices haven’t dampened the interest and use of online porn. In fact, experts agree it’s on the rise.

Although this in itself isn’t much of an issue, it can lead to addiction when watched in excess. Or, if children regularly see inappropriate activities, it can cause psychological damage.

We can’t stem the growth of online porn, but we can be more realistic, practical and open-minded about sex and sexuality.

How to tell children

Many parents might feel tempted to sneak porn blocking software onto their children’s devices and family computers.


Predominantly because of their own beliefs and biases and to spare themselves broaching an uncomfortable subject.

Honestly, this approach is part of the online porn problem when it comes to children.

If this sounds like you, you must  accept these two truths:

  1. Your child will develop a healthy curiosity about sex and their sexuality
  2. They will have access to online porn, no matter what

Today these two facts are inescapable, so rather than trying to impede their inherent need to know surreptitiously, take the lead and guide them.

Maybe you want to download porn filters because you’re rightly afraid of what your children can find online. On the other hand, you could’ve become aware of them viewing online porn already, so you’re taking action.

Either way, call a family meeting and gently explain your reasons for downloading the software to their devices and computers.

Tell them why you’re doing it and explain the dangers. Be willing to answer their questions and reassure them that this isn’t a punishment but for their protection. Encourage them to tell you in future too if they find porn material and if anyone approaches them inappropriately.

In the case where you’ve discovered that your child is already engaging in online porn, still take the same approach. Sit them down and tell them what you’ve found while remaining calm and understanding. Avoid an accusatory tone, don’t humiliate them and don’t lead them to believe you’re punishing them.

Unluckily you don’t have many chances to get speaking about sex and sexuality right with children. Once an air of shame and fear sets in, it will remain with them for life.

How to tell your adult family

It’s much easier dealing with youngsters than adults because the sense of shame, fear and bias is usually already ingrained.

If you want to install porn filters on a family computer that’s available to all adults in the home, you have to tell them. Sneaking it in and then using it to catch people will inevitably lead to conflict, and it’s a breach of trust.

Tell everyone why you want to do it and be willing to listen to their objections if they have any.

On the contrary, if you install porn blocking software on your own personal devices because you watch too much porn online, you can decide whether to tell or not.

Where there’s been fights and arguments around your porn habit, telling your family can be seen as a step towards accountability and stopping.

Since it’s your computer and devices, it won’t affect them, but it reassures them that you want to change your behavior. It may even lead to more understanding and support for you.

Porn blocking software options

There are many different types of porn blocking software in the marketplace for you to choose from.

Here are a few of the most popular options, but conduct your own research too so that you get precisely what you want.

Remember, free software downloads can be tempting, but they have limitations. One of the main ones being that they don’t get updated as often as paid apps, which means that the likelihood of porn slipping through is higher.

  • Free Porn Blocker/Filter – is a lightweight porn filter for android. It works well on all websites and is even active if you use incognito mode on your web browser. It runs as soon as the device is turned on and is activated as soon as it’s downloaded.
  • Pure Web – offers a more comprehensive android blocking system at a cost. After a 7-day free trial, you need to sign up for a paid subscription. One of the handy benefits is a record of your blocking history.
  • Purity – also for android, blocks everything related to porn. After a 3-day free trial, it converts to a paid subscription. Apart from blocking all types of porn, you can set it up to send alerts to your phone whenever someone attempts to access a porn site or material.
  • Porn Blocker – is a paid Apple app that allows you to continue using Safari as your browser while successfully blocking porn and nothing else.
  • Parental Control – is a very low-cost Apple porn blocking app that stops adult and porn content on protected devices. It blocks ads and trackers, too and is best suited to children’s devices.
  • Covenant Eyes – is a powerful paid porn blocker intended to break the habit of watching online porn. It helps remove unwanted content and reduce screen time. Internet access to porn via Chrome, Facebook, Twitter, Android, Firefox, Netflix, Silk, Google Search, Hulu and YouTube is blocked by default. And you can add other browsers as well.

  The monthly subscription covers an unlimited number of devices and up to 12 users. Each user has a separate profile. The software generates a detailed weekly report of all activities and offers an       interpersonal accountability feature. There’s no limit on the number of accountability partners.

  • Bark – is a paid app explicitly designed to protect children. It doesn’t only block porn; it also monitors online activity. This allows you to pick up issues like online bullying and see who’s chatting to your children.

  The software monitors over 30 apps and internet applications, including social media, domains, emails and text messages. Screen time is managed too. After a 7-day free trial, it converts to a paid subscription that covers an unlimited amount of users and devices.


Installing porn blocking software depends on your circumstances and those of your household.

If you have children, it’s a sensible precaution because they’ll inevitably encounter online porn at some stage. Being prepared and forewarned doesn’t only give you peace of mind; it equips your children and shields them from potential danger.

In contrast, if you or someone close to you has an issue excessively watching porn, blockers can help you stop. They can’t, however, cure the problem.

All software filters can improve discipline, but they can’t influence desire and motivation.

Combined with other self-help tools such as therapy and developing a plan to lead a healthier lifestyle, porn blockers are a great ally.

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